All products may be returned for a full refund to the original payment method provided if the items are returned to us within 30 days of you receiving the products. Please ensure that any product you wish to return is unused, in its original packaging, and has all tags attached. You agree that it is at the sole and absolute discretion of TRU PRO to determine if the product has been used.
Besides the cost for the product, we will also refund the initial shipping cost, as long as you did not request non-standard delivery (for example, express delivery). The customer is responsible to pay for return shipping if the return was NOT initiated due to a mistake by TRU PRO.
If you decide to return an item that was purchased in connection with a special offer (for example, buy 2, get 1 free), you will have to return all items that are connected to the special offer in order to receive a full refund.
To start a return, please send us an email at and let us know:
If you have been referred by our staff to this page, please take the following steps:
Mag. Alexander Goldnagl
Bahndamm 2
4631 Krenglbach
To start a return, please send us an email at and let us know:
Once the return is approved, TRU PRO will a.) mail or email you a FREE return shipping label or b.) ask you to return the item with a particular shipping service (you will be reimbursed for those shipping costs).
Mag. Alexander Goldnagl
Bahndamm 2
4631 Krenglbach
Once the item is received and back in the warehouse, refunds should be reflected on the account used during the purchase within 5-10 business days.
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